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Tactical UAV For Time Critical Tasking

WASP is a robust, tube-launched UAV representing next generation technology for semi-autonomous aerial systems.  Inherently flexible, it delivers game-changing, cost-effective capability enhancement to a wide range of users.  Applications include detector and effector missions.

WASP is man portable and deployed in < 3 seconds.  The launcher can be operated physically by a person, or remotely if mounted on a vehicle, infrastructure, or ship.  The UAV transitions to conventional multi-rotor flight after an initial rocket launch.  Mission dependent, the whole system is
re-usable.  It can be stored for many years and remain ready for
rapid use.  

The UAV is equipped with a high-performance gimbal mounted EO/IR camera with range finder, plus a modular payload system up to 1.5kg.  The payload can be delivered accurately to 24km.  Resilient communications enable shared, real-time feed and hand-over of control options. Open system architecture enables wide interoperability. WASP is swarming capable.